
Tradescrow was born out of the crypto gaming community, where we faced the challenge of finding a reliable and trustworthy way to trade assets with fellow gamers. Determined to create a solution that prioritizes security and user control, we set out on a journey to build a platform that embodies the true spirit of decentralization.

At Tradescrow, we envision a world where crypto asset trading is not just secure but also an empowering experience. Our team of passionate individuals is committed to driving innovation and setting new standards in the crypto trading landscape.

Join us today and embark on a journey of secure, seamless, and user-centric crypto asset trading.

Together, let's redefine the future of trading.

Safety First

Safety First: Security lies at the core of our platform. Through cutting-edge encryption and rigorous security measures, we guarantee that your assets are in safe hands throughout the entire trading process.


Peer-to-Peer Simplicity: Embracing the true essence of decentralization, we enable direct peer-to-peer transfers, eliminating the need for intermediaries. With Tradescrow, you are in complete control of your trades.


User-Centric Design: Our platform is thoughtfully designed with user experience in mind. Navigating through trades is effortless, ensuring you can focus on what matters most – maximizing your crypto assets.


Transparent and Reliable: We believe in transparency as the bedrock of trust. Our platform provides real-time tracking and notifications, giving you peace of mind at every step of the trading journey.